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mike anthony just edited his profile. 01:16PM
shelley harris just became friends with esther pinkston. 03:43PM
esther pinkston just became friends with shelley harris. 03:43PM
esther pinkston just edited her profile. 10:02PM
james pharris just became friends with esther pinkston. 09:56PM
esther pinkston just became friends with james pharris. 09:56PM
james pharris just commented on a blog entitled 'true life: i attend an hbcu episode 5 (atlanta university center 2011) '. 08:38PM
james pharris just posted a video entitled 'biggafiggamedia.com'. 08:29PM
randall price just edited his profile. 11:56PM
esther pinkston just answered a new question. 12:46AM
oto-obong inyang just became a new member. 06:46AM
nea m just became friends with sharon moore. 02:09PM
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